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Old 06-21-2010, 06:54 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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The reason a lot of these people are poorly paid is because they work for nothing in occupations which which used to pay a real wage before the huge migration push from Latin America maybe 30 years ago. They also called up their relatives and friends for the employer to replace people who wouldn't settle for working for less, then began driving out any co workers left who weren't born in Mexico when they became a majority in their place of employment - including American born "Latinos".

"Latinos" have the highest rate of workers comp injuries. I believe that is because there is probably not a Mexican national who will admit to not knowing how to do something, and the improvisation can horrifically astounding. Or they like to tell each other funny stories while oblivious to what's going on around them - oblivious to hazard the whole time.

Or they will do exactly what a stupid boss tells them to do.

I have observed all this for almost four decades - seen it with my own eyes.

I will add that the young man was polite and sincere, I appreciate it.

I would like to add that the only difference between a brown "Latino advocate" and a white National socialist is that they work opposite corners of the same street. Same racism, just different ancestries.

I find it hilarious to hear an American raised "Latino" babble about how he is the same person as some backward campesino from Mexico (!Viva Zapata!). He might convince ignorant white Americans, but the Mexican generally would think that the pocho might eat beans with tortillas, but no way is an agringado pocho Mexican. And the "activist" Pocho knows better than what he puts out for mainstream consumption.

One last thing:

I know people who have experienced genuine pre 1960 white racism. That stuff doesn't go on anymore, and I am sick of hearing "Latino activists" carrying one as if it does.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Last edited by ilbegone; 06-22-2010 at 04:25 AM.
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