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Old 02-25-2010, 01:03 PM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post

The Aztecs were a bloody, inhuman empire. Does that mean they deserved to be exterminated as a culture?

Well yes, actually. That's precisely what it means.

The Aztecs were defeated by a coalition of Spanish adventurers and local Indian tribes that had been subjugated and enslaved by Aztec domination. The Spanish could never have defeated the Aztecs' teeming millions without the help of hundreds of thousands of Indians who jumped at the chance to resist Aztec tyranny.

The Aztec ruling class collected tribute from their subject tribes, including children to be used in religious rituals of human sacrifice and to be eaten as food. You think they had a "right" to do this?

Yes the native Americans were treated badly by conquering Spanards 500 years ago. None of us is responsible for that. None of that will change if what's left of the American people surrender.

You seem to have a problem with destroying bloody inhuman cultures. Why?

If it's wrong to destroy a bloody inhuman culture like the Aztecs, does not the same apply to the Mexicans' attempt to destroy American culture, with is not bloody and inhuman?
"If it's wrong to destroy a bloody inhuman culture like the Aztecs, does not the same apply to the Mexicans' attempt to destroy American culture, with is not bloody and inhuman?"

That is an absurd question. Perhaps you could rephrase it.

I don't think it is necessary to target cultures for extermination even if the values and practices of the culture are criminal in character. If it is possible to intercede to confront culture that is inhuman and criminal in character, then the first priority is to protect and isolate non-believers from believers. You cannot protect those who voluntarily accept degenerate beliefs and values. You can only protect yourself and the innocent bystanders who are likely to become victims. Then you can confront the culture and demand they account for themselves and their culture in the face of something we hope exists in universal human values. In the case of the Aztecs, it would have been easy enough to show them the world as it was becoming to be known and show them that their religious beliefs had little foundation. But who would the job have fallen to but the Catholics and the Catholic church who were manifestly unfit to do that and naturally uninterested in intellectual revolutions of that character. It was the case of one blood soaked monster exterminating another. Mexico is what we got as a consequence.

On the other hand, I don't believe that any culture deserves protection from extinction. If your values are unfit for human consumption, then your culture deserves extinction. There is a difference between declaring a culture worthy of extinction and declaring it the target of extermination. A culture worthy of extinction can hope to change. It can hope to evolve. If there is such a thing as a culture common to the United States of America, then clearly evolution and the capacity to change are expected and engineered into it. This is what makes the values that are the foundation of the US unworthy of extinction or extermination.

If you are willing to target other cultures for extermination, then you quite possibly fall in with those degenerate cultures worthy of extinction who target others for extermination. How are we to tell the difference? Should we trust you enough to ask you? Part of what make cultures worthy of extinction is their tendency to lie and pervert history in order to exalt themselves at the expense of innocent cultures. Certainly Mexico, reconquistas and their sympathizers in the US represent examples of such cultural values.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
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