Thread: Herman Cain
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Old 12-04-2011, 03:49 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Herman Cain

Herman Cain dropped out. Gone. Family couldn't take the scandal.

I have no way of knowing whether or not his accusers, of extramarital affairs, were telling the truth. It was a case of - " He said, she said ". But, none-the-less, I am certainly not ready to take the accusers word as gospel.

Taking into account all of the skulduggery associated with Obama, his secretiveness, hiding all records, past associations with criminals and screwballs, supporters and campaigners openly displaying Communist flags, ACORN - ad infinitum, it would not surprise me at all to hear that Herman Cain's accusers were dishonest liars and Trojan Horses intent on taking Herman down any way possible.

On the other hand I would not be surprised if the accusations proved to be true. It seems that there is a super abundance of scandals all through history of people in power getting into trouble with the opposite sex.

The field is thinning out. With a year to go anything can, and may, happen !

The "polls" have certainly proven to be an unreliable joke, up, down, leading, following. The only thing the pollsters have proven to me is that the volatility renders polls virtually useless to me. And makes the pollsters, and news media, look rather clownish if not downright unreliable and untrustworthy.
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