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Old 12-09-2012, 07:17 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Lots to pick apart on this one. It reads more like a sales pitch than legislation.

And how the open borders crowd loves the word "vibrant".

(a) Immigrants are a vibrant force in California's changing
Definition of VIBRANT
a (1) : oscillating or pulsating rapidly (2) : pulsating with life, vigor, or activity <a vibrant personality>
b (1) : readily set in vibration (2) : responsive, sensitive
: sounding as a result of vibration : resonant <a vibrant voice>
: bright 4 <a vibrant orange>
— vi·brant·ly adverb
I've personally worked in those gang infested, inner city, trash strewn "immigrant" slums they call "vibrant communities" as well as rural enclaves of similar bastions of "immigrants". I've been to their back yards all over California - it's incredible of all the fascinating, diverse items which can be woven together to make a fence. If all that's "vibrant", I suppose 1960's suburbs should have exploded into oblivion with vibrancy every time a little league ball game commenced.

They also like to harp on "purchasing power":

Additionally, the purchasing power of Latinos and Asians, many
of whom are immigrants, alone will reach $1.5 trillion and $775
billion, respectively, by 2015
Yeah, yeah, right. What did the (May 1st, communist holiday) Day Without a Mexican a few years ago prove? They haven't tried it again.

Notice they'll lump "purchasing power" of "Latinos" and "Asians" together (describing race but not distinguishing between the newly arrived and the long established - heaven forbid they do that) but they won't bring up the respective graduation and drop out rates of either of those conveniently conflated groups, and if they are cornered about the subject they will say that it's the newcomers from south of the border who do the dropping out.

I'd like to see them prove this one:

. And, according to the White House,
increased immigration to the United States has increased the earnings
of Americans with more than a high school degree. Between 1990 and
2004, increased immigration was correlated with increasing earnings
of Americans by 0.7 percent and is expected to contribute to an
increase of 1.8 percent over the long term.
How has this been accomplished? By importing people who largely are the least educated, least skilled, and least able to make it in their home country? If pinned down on the question, open borders race obsessants will probably try to first distract from the subject then engage in a circular argument while quoting out of context some obscure, hard to find document. The distraction phase will probably involve loud allegations of racism.

The thinly veiled race obsession and weak justifications by these yoyos never ends, does it.
Freibier gab's gestern

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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-09-2012 at 07:21 AM.
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