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Old 01-31-2014, 10:40 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default What ????????????

What? Who ? How ? What's going on.

The Republicans met behind closed doors Thursday.*( Make that in the traditional smoke filled back room ) to hammer out a comprehensive immigration reform package. I have waited patiently for news and there isn't any on radio or TV. I wanted to blast them as sanctimonious political hypocritical prostitutes but in keeping with the decorum and ruled of this website I will refrain from posting such *( Didja notice the duplicitous double speak ?

The media is apparently resigned to guesses, supposition, maybes and prognostications.

Throw a dart.

Why the secrecy ? I won't speculate. I will only say that I do NOT issue a blanket condemnation of Congress. There are many really good, intelligent, sincere members who will act in the best interest of the people. However, they seem to be outnumbered by the dubious. I don't have hard numbers. It is only my gut feeling. I have some very strong opinions that are not complimentary which I will hold in abeyance. We have to wait and see who prevails.

In the meantime big "O"'s flock are abandoning him. They are shunning and don't want to be seen with him. Even the black, negro, African American or whatever you want to describe them are speaking out and some are saying - "Just leave now" !!!!

Hey Guys, I have some stunning info that will absolutely knock the socks off. I'll post it soon.
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