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Old 10-17-2013, 09:36 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Greg in LA View Post
Any thoughts on weather the passage of the debt limit increase in the House will increase or decrease the chances of amnesty passing Congress in 2013?

My observations are that the Republicans look weaker after all of this, they caved, got no concessions from Obama, and the Democrats stayed unified. Boehner passed the debt limit with a majority of Democrats and probably a few Rino's. Boehner couldn't have done it with Republicans so he passed the debt increase against the will of the majority of Republicans in Congress.

To me it makes Boehner look pretty bad, and I don't think it will get him more support to keep his speaker ship position.

Will Boehner now pile on his record as passing more legislation, like amnesty with a majority of Democrats and a minority of Republicans?

I think that will be hard for him to do.

It seems to me that the Republicans just ate a huge "crap sandwich" by funding Obama care, and eating more defeat and getting more hatred from the base, at this time by passing any type of amnesty is going to be much more difficult.

Am I missing something?

Is my understanding of the situation incorrect?

If you agree, or see the situation differently, please let me know your point of view.

I am involved in a rather encompassing event in my life right this minute, but I want to take a short stab at your questions. The answer, I believe, is yes. Yes it's going to be easier to pass it. But not because the republicans are weaker now. Actually this whole debt crisis has been postponed, but not solved. It's solution is either to raise taxes or cut spending. The only agreement that came about this week was to delay doing something. Anyway; the republican hierarchy wants so very badly to cripple this obamacare program. They want to do that badly enough that they might trade amnesty to Obama and the democrats for concessions on obamacare spending. I fear a grand compromise deal that gives the illegals a long term presence linked to a plethora of weak criteria for citizenship, and in turn, Obama surrenders a bunch of meaningless cuts to obamacare spending over a decade or so. Each side will claim victory, which would be true in the sense that they would compare to the alternative of defaulting on the debt. We, the peon indentured....uh....citizen, would get further screwed of course. The illegals would be getting screwed too, over time, but they'd believe they hit the jackpot and the power would go to their heads for a time.

Can this be stopped? Yes, it can. It will be hard though. We may have to put a lot more effort into beating down democrats as opposed to republicans, even though we have traditionally counted on republicans as being the best votes to influence. I think the democrats have had it far too easy for too long, in that sense.
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