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Old 06-18-2014, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
Sorry that it took me so long to find the Nat Geo article - "Mexico's Other Border". It appeared in the February 2008 magazine.

It's pretty lengthy. Unfortunately the website article doesn't seem to have the numerous photos that were in the magazine. None the less it gives an excellent insight into the inner workings and corruption that is fueling the mass migration. It does confirm that an Italian Priest is running some safe houses. I recall a Vatican connection also but haven't as yet spotted it here. But it exists. It said "Vatican" not Pope as I recall.

I haven't actually made a connection with the current Pope, as yet. But he is Latino, Agentinian, and a flaming liberal. Whatever is going on may be deep under the covers there. But note too that Catholic Relief Services is up to their arm pits presently in Texas with these children that are coming across.

Anyone who reads the article will see also the blatant Government sanctioned action of Grupo Beta.

It's almost all about money. Everyone getting a piece of the action.
I read that article when it came out.

"The Vatican" is the Pope, just as the "White House" is the president.

The current Pope is an old Agentinian white man elected in Europe to the European based Papacy by a collection of old white European men. He may be "Latino" or "Hispanic" only in shifting meanings tossed out by propagandists to support their agendas. If this pope is "Latino", so was Hernan Cortes - and maybe even Columbus too. The old Pope John Paul II (Karol Józef Wojtyła) era query "Is the Pope Polish?" (along the line of "does a bear shit in the woods") comes to mind.

This Pope may not be Polish, but he comes from a Latin American country largely populated by the descendants of Spaniards, Italians, and Germans - and they have a similar problematic relationship with Bolivia as the United States has with Mexico.

And, the current Pope is about as flaming liberal as they come, yet he may also be about the most sincere in his beliefs as they come. That doesn't mean that he is not to some extent deluded, maybe also just as deluded as any of them come.

It's almost all about money. Everyone getting a piece of the action
Always has been, always will be. It originated from the beginning with the Spanish manner of trying to build and maintain an empire on the cheap, which had a far different result than the British trying to build and maintain an empire on the cheap. It seems to be very true that nearly everything done in Mexico has some little bite to it, handing over scarce cash to a myriad of extortionists get anything accomplished.

Much of the post independence turmoil in Mexico has been over the wealth and power of the Catholic Church versus the great poverty of the masses. I recall that at one point after the liberal civil authorities stripped the church of much of it's wealth and privileges, there was some sort of boycott by the church hierarchy on mass, baptisms, and the like, sort of like putting the whole nation under a sort of interdict. If I remember right, there was consternation on both sides when the poor, illiterate mass of impoverished people kept going into the church, lighting their candles and saying their prayers as if nothing happened.

I think (originally liberal, ultimately conservative) Porfirio Diaz did a political balancing act by quietly restoring some of the privilege while maintaining some public distance. Then post revolutionary president Calles set off the Cristero war by trying to diminish the church's influence over the Mexican people.

The current role of the Mexican government (beyond the profiteering) is as much to poke a sharp stick in the American eye as anything else.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 06-18-2014 at 04:43 PM.
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