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Old 05-17-2011, 05:08 AM
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Ronbass Ronbass is offline
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Default Stop the Invasion 2011

Stop the invasion 2011A coalition of Border Security Groups, Immigration Control Groups and individuals need to regroup to lobby and promote Border Security in response to the ever growing cartel presence on the Mexican border.

Jim Gilchrist said:
Deployment of U.S. Army into northern Mexico
The time to deploy U.S. Army Airborne Rangers into Mexico to eliminate the criminal cartels headquartered there is long overdue.

Jim, in my opinion is definitely on the mark with this kind of thinking. I think the first step and the one that I have been calling for in this thread is for the border to be militarized with regular U.S. forces in order to stop all illegal entry into our country as prescribed by law.

This is prescribed and mandated in the Constitution as we all know in Article IV, Section 4 and is the primary responsibility of our Federal Government and our U.S. Military to protect the states from invasion. In fact it says in the Constitution that a state needs no permission from congress to go to war to defend itself from invasion.

To invade Mexico to eliminate the drug cartels is not a strategy that I would be in favor of.

As was previously stated; But we will need a totally new Government before anything like that happens.

It is a basic responsibility, that we the people, defend our nation from foreign invaders at our border in order to protect our families from all of the negative consequences resulting from the invaders.

The concept of defending from an invading army in uniform is a simple one.

The concept of defending against an unarmed migration is more difficult for a politically correct country like we are today, to deal with. Yet in the long run it is more insidious (Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects)

Unless we can persuade our current government officials that we are being invaded and U.S. Military need to be employed to stop the invasion and enforce all our border laws (which are the laws of our country the same as kidnapping or bank robbery laws) then we are obligated as American citizens to remove these government officials and replace them with those who will act accordingly.

This process needs to start immediately.

The 2012 POTUS election is just around the corner. I believe that regardless of which party winds up in the White House, the border invasion will not be adequately addressed.

Therefore “We the people” should begin a serious attempt to defend ourselves from this invasion.

All strategies should be applied.

Sue government officials.
Citizen activism on or near the border similar to MM project.
Boycotts of government officials who refuse to take action to defend us.

Do I think the American people will rally to defend themselves against this invasion as the Minutemen did to rid themselves of King George in 1776.

No I don’t think so.

But it will not stop me and my fellow citizens across the country and on this board
from protesting this invasion and calling for action.

Whoever will join me send me your name or code name, City, State and e-mail address. Telephone # optional.

I will maintain a contact list only. You are not joining any organization.

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