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Old 02-11-2010, 08:29 PM
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Default Eegad! Stop Mischaracterizing the Eligibility Issue

Eegad! Stop Mischaracterizing the Eligibility Issue


by V. Harlow, blogging at

(Feb. 10, 2010) — The eligibility issue has constantly been mischaracterized as a “citizenship” issue or a “birth certificate” issue, and major media outlets keep playing on this same theme over and over, ridiculing those who want the truth.

I suspect they are partially driven by fear: fear they won’t get interviews, fear they won’t get invitations, fear they won’t get to cover important issues if this issue is included in what they cover. Even Fox News continues to ridicule and mischaracterize this very important Constitutional issue.

Can we attack this administration on other valid issues? Yes, of course. I don’t advocate doing anything less. It’s not right to push aside the very valid and important Constitutional issue of the eligibility of the current resident of White House to hold the job as though it is of no consequence. There have been people scoffing for over a year now, yet lawsuits continue. The issue is law. The highest office in the land, the one responsible for upholding our laws and protecting our freedoms, is the issue.

Most reasonable people don’t question the “citizenship” of Obama. The Constitution has special requirements for holders of the presidency. One of them is “natural born citizen.” That is a higher standard than “citizen.” It is a higher standard than “native citizen.”

Some people signed off on Obama’s qualification rather cavalierly either knowingly or carelessly. They need to be held to account.

It’s easy to ridicule and destroy the reputations and careers of people fighting this battle, but it’s wrong. Orly Taitz, regardless of whether or not one questions her professionalism, does not deserve the treatment she has received from anonymous callers, malicious supporters of Obama, or from major media outlets. She comes willing and determined to defend our Constitution, while so many charged with that responsibility have forsaken it completely.

Donofrio, Pidgeon, Berg, Kreep, and others fighting the battle do not deserve the ridicule. The American people overwhelmingly want to know the truth.

An honest hearing is required.

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