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Old 01-08-2010, 03:55 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: SoCal
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
India contribute to the US's illegal immigration problem, but Indians are much more likely to make vital contributions to the US economy when they are legal. No other subculture in the US has less to argue for its own vitality here then Mexican immigrants. Even when they are here legally, there are basically the recipients of a kind of public job program, doing work that nobody needs doing, jobs that would disappear if we could make them disappear.

Bullseye. That is the reality of the situation. Southern California has essentially become a taxpayer funded orphanage for much of the unwanted excess population in Mexico and Central America. Many of the illegals and anchors subsist on low paying jobs, govt. services and the generosity of the wealthier citizens in the area.

In reality, the bus boy, fast food worker positions, gardening duties and other menials tasks they perform are more like "chores" that children are assigned rather than contributions to the economy. Just like children, they consume far more than they contribute.
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