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Old 04-11-2011, 05:06 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Fraud alert - came by E-mail.

To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Sent: 4/8/2011 4:25:02 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: Fraud Alert: Dan Baltes, Utah

Yesterday I received some disturbing Intel from a very reliable source here in San Diego. I had never heard of Dan Baltes, but I think some of you have heard of him and/or dealt with him.

The main news is that Baltes is apparently claiming to organize events for Glenn Beck and other tea party type events and collecting money up front. Specifically he contacted tea party groups in San Diego and Arizona last month trying to sell $350 "discount" tickets to a Glenn Beck show he was supposedly producing at the Sports Arena. It was a scam. There was now show scheduled. Glenn Beck's people said they have never worked with him and there are no shows scheduled in San Diego or Arizona involving Dan Baltes.

Baltes apparently lives in Utah but operates in many other states (especially Arizona) trying to get people to send him money. He tells people he's one of the main leaders of the tea party and anti-illegal immigration movement.

Here are just some of the groups he claims to run:

Americans Against Illegal Amnesty
Restore our Dreams Productions
Recall all Incumbents
Recall Sheriff Dupnik

He also writes occasionally for the in Utah.

I'm also told he is suspected of preying on single women and widows in the Patriot movement. He finds them, sends them videos of himself and asks them to send him money.

Anyone have any other Intel about this guy? This seems pretty serious. I think all our members and associates need to be warned about this guy that no one seems to have heard of until recently.

Lots of scams out there collecting money from Patriots and tea partiers right now. Beware of people you don't know asking for your money.

Jeff Schwilk, Founder
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