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Old 07-29-2010, 08:39 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
Yes, by any means, let us make it legal. Then, some years down the road, some ones 10 year old is sitting in his/her class room in a daze. They are not learning very much today as it is.

I will continue to try and protect children and stupid adults by voting against anything that is a danger to ones health, physical or mental.
You are not paying attention.

The current problem is that the stuff is already in the schools. The reason it is in the schools is because criminalizing marijuana inflames the black market. By legalizing it, the black market is destroyed and the street traffic that brings it to the schools will go away.

Vote yes on Proposition 19 and we will take marijuana out of the schools. Kids will no longer be smoking pot in schools, just as they don't use alcohol in schools.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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