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Old 04-06-2011, 02:13 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Twoller View Post
I have to say, Davi, that it sounds to me like you would like to be open to addressing kids at school with our political message here and that's what you were doing. You were being evasive.

If I had kids going to school, I would not want anyone addressing them anywhere with any kind of politics. Especially on the streets outside of a school. It would not matter to me whether I agreed to what they were saying to my kids of not or even if my kids attended events supporting these politics with me or even if the kids knew the people who were posted outside the school. I would not want them to do that.

When children attend school, it should be for only one purpose and that is to secure the basics of education and nothing more. If we feel as though immigration issues should be a part of public education, this is not the way to do it. If we secure the license to do this, then who else can do it and what kind of damage is more likely to be done?
Immigration is being addressed in the scholls already...inside the schools....and we are kept out. That very school held an event inside the auditorium where the MECHA people were reaching out to the students...about immigration. So are you saying it's OK for them to do it as long as they are on the inside, or that no one should be doing it, and let's start with us?
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