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Old 02-25-2012, 08:17 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
It is about race and the whole ethnic studies fraud is evidence of this. Apart from providing a "major" for people who are manifestly too dumb to master a legitimate discipline, the purpose of ethnic studies is to teach non-white dysfunctionals to hate white people and to work their their dispossesion and extinction. That Mexican Juan Angel Gutierrez who teaches ethnic studies in the Texas public schools once said, "We have got to get rid of the Gringo and by that I mean, if worse comes to worse, we have got to kill them."
Gutierrez also wrote a book entitled "How To Handle A Gringo". This filthy stinking piece of crap can openly proclaim anti-white racism, but a white person who referred to minorities as "beaners" or "n.ig.g**s" would be crucified. This is one example of the racial supremacy operating in this country today.

These filthy stinking vermin can openly advocate extermination of white people and they keep getting their tax funded salary. What white person would be allowed to teach after openly advocated exterminating blacks or Mexicans? None! Of course there are dozens of these animals teaching in the California public schools too.

Rodriguez' article does not go so far as to advocate extermination, but it does openly advocate racial supremacy by the public schools. This supremacy is embodied in elevating a favored race to "victim" status and relegating the disfavored race to "oppressor" status. By this fraud, non-whites achieve moral authority and legitimacy by belonging to a victim race, not by achieving anything worth while, such as studying, good grades, etc. White students, by comparison. loose legitimacy and moral authority as members of the hated "oppressor race" and can be targeted for racially motivated violence and other forms of racial discrimination.

This is race war and ethnic studies curricula are a very important part of it.
Uh, yes Don....I know all about the above persons, what they said, and how they feel. I also understand that the brown racists are compelled to use the underdog priviledge. No need to preach to the choir. But here's the thing I mean about it not being about race, or letting them set the rules for the argument about immigration:
There's no clear cut right or wrong where race is concerned. There's no illegal races, or unlawful presence/entry in regards to race. You cannot win a race argument at all, nor can you deport someone because of their race. So why go there if you want to win? These brown racialists can summon all the false gods they want, but we don't do it. Sure it's ok to point out there hypocrisy, double standards, and their fraudulent use of minority status. But that's where it should end. If you take their position and say the US is a white nation, or white dominated nation, or even ask why can't the white demographic make use of the race card; They have you on their terms and their turf. That argument goes on and on, and all during that the illegal entry and immigration keeps rolling on
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