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Old 08-14-2010, 11:55 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Overall, I believe much of it has to do with the economy and tiresome politics.

I myself have had enough of castigating politicians over the phone and am patiently waiting to vote out incumbents at every opportunity. While I have no love for either the core Democrat or Republican parties, I want to punish the Democrats. Then when the Republican party takes rejection of Democrats as a mandate to do whatever the hell the want to do (like the Democrats have done since the repudiation of Republicans last election cycle), I want to slap the dogshit out of the Republicans in turn.

As far as posting here, I feel as though I have said much of the same over the years over and over and over again. I'm out of breath and tired of arguing the same points non stop.

I really am not attracted to the other anti illegal sites, nor do I waste my time posting at pro illegal sites. I'm sick of the racial obsession, racial stereotyping, fabrication and disinformation and name calling on both sides, and have realized I'm not going to change anyone's convictions with rational discussion - or more to the point, what minute rational and respectful discussion there is to be found anywhere concerning illegal immigration.

I think the open borders crowd understands there is not going to be an amnesty for as long as the economy is bad. On the other side, I don't believe there is any faith that the Federal government is going going to meaningfully enforce immigration law anytime soon.

I think there is a lot of quietly seething anger which has a good chance of boiling over and burning the status quo. I just hope it doesn't blow out of control - we don't need a replay of the French Revolution.
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