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Old 06-04-2014, 05:06 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default Jan Brewer

Fox news this AM:

ICE responded to Jan Brewers letter of yesterday: The illegals are being sent to Arizona because ICE is overwhelmed by the numbers in Texas.*( After her letter ANOTHER bus load arrived in Arizona ).

I'll buy that.

Those here are old timers and remember back 1 - 2 decades. Mexico had/has at least 6 different groups, not all in consort nor agreement, to invade the USA with swarms of illegals. Vicente Fox even had an official multi-year plan on paper. Those groups range from Oligarchs' to communists, to Reconquista's to more and 6 is probably an understatement.

It's too lengthy to detail but remember the Mexican Government was printing a booklet and posting directions in bus stations. Mayors along the border were actively furnishing travel aids, water, maps *( Even condoms ).

And lets not forget our own little Angels here placing water barrels in the desert. Even the Catholic church is operating a safe house in Mexico and Nuns were running them in Texas.

Arizona too has it's fair share of open border proponents and illegal alien sympathizers, both civilian and in Government. And why even bother to bring up the large numbers of churches here sympathetic and active aiding, abetting, hiding illegal aliens.

Everything that dumbledorf our illustrious leader is doing is A OK with me. He's crashing. Regime change is looking better and better. He even has the AAs Afro Am's really PO'd now and Democrats in Congress are increasingly speaking out about a range of subjects they don't like.
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