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Old 01-28-2012, 07:46 AM
Don Don is offline
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Default Marco Rubio tells GOP to cool it on immigration

GOP rising star, latino Marco Rubio is speaking out for his own race and against Americans. He's taking the side of "immigrants" who are sneaking into the country to steal American jobs over the American people whom he is supposed to serve. You can always count on "minorities" to support each other. Blood is thicker than national loyalty. Rubo is the offspring of "immigrants" who ran away from their own country and now they want to see the US converted into what they ran away from.

So, if you're an American who was born in the USA and have paid taxes all your life so that illegal aliens can come here and get free education and healthcare at your expense...AT LEAST HAVE THE GOOD MANNERS TO SHUT THE HELL UP AND JUST KEEP WORKING AND PAYING TAXES FOR THESE PARASITES! DON'T EMBARRASS THEM BY COMPLAINING...AT LEAST NOT OUT LOUD! OK???
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