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Old 05-13-2010, 09:41 PM
retiredat44 retiredat44 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Oregon
Posts: 65

If we had a mexican government then it would be a crap hole, then the mexicans would have to run to canada to turn that into a craphole.. why do they come here if they hate it so much??

it appears it's the mission of Mexicans to take down all other governments so the whole world is a craphole..

They run here because of capitalism,, then they get here and scream discrimination and destroy the whole place.. which leads me to believe they have metal diseases and are unable to think rationally and only desire to turn everything they touch into crap, make crime, break laws, invade, and scream discrimination..... and wave mexican flags..

and they think we will just turn over and let them take over..

If there are any good illegals, I wish someone would bring them out into the open...
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