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Old 04-04-2010, 06:39 PM
rs232c rs232c is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 80
Default Poll: Does your church preach irresponsible immigration?

Please let me know your answer to this question. I am not asking what religion or church you attend. I am not trying to figure out who you are or what your views are but those of your church in a respectful manner.

Does your church preach irresponsible immigration?

Yes: My church preaches that all are God's children and it is our moral duty to defend anyone crossing our borders up to and including hiding them or declaring them sanctuary from their home countries.
No: My church preaches respect and tolerance for people who violate our immigration laws and those who immigrate irresponsibly but help facilitate them back into their own society.
Neither: I do not attend nor am a member of any church or do not wish to express immigration issues in religious terms or what any church preaches is meaningless or this poll is rediculous or do not want to talk about my church's beliefs.
No, but Maybe: My church preaches that irresponsible immigration is immoral as described in answering No, but exceptions must morally be made to refugees (war, disease, famine, etc.) and governments that are communist, facist, socialist, terrorist or generally considered evil and oppressive economically and/or politically and/or religiously or those who defect from an enemy country (such as the old Russian Empire, Nuclear Scientists, Military, etc).
For those of you who wish me to answer first the answer above is Yes. And my church is well established and recognized that no one would dispute and most of you who go to church would also probably attend.

Thank You!

Last edited by rs232c; 04-04-2010 at 07:23 PM. Reason: To Learn To Post Polls
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