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Old 09-20-2010, 07:51 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Fox News reports about the DREAM Act are being heavily accessed on Youtube. The anchor babies and illegals are posting comments by the hundreds, now that they know a vote on the partial amnesty legislation is nearing.

These were some of my favorites (white woman, blonde and this woman are references to the host who was interviewing Luis Gutierrez):

Poor woman I feel sorry for her..!! but do you know why.?? because she is jealous and sad because she doesn't have something to fight for, she is lack of big dreams....hahahaha I know ignorance is killing her...! =D !

lol of course this woman was being so racist.... IS FOX NEWS!

im gonna pray that dream act happens cause i want my latino brothers to be able to go to colledge

well in a way every single american is an illegal immigrant. because this land was stolen from the natives. the only thing i can see that will change the minds of super closed minded individuals is if they had this happening to them. But we will see if when their position as a world leader changes if the countrys of the world will show them the same respect they have showed them throughout history. which would be genesaid, murder, theft, consentration camps, and racism.

The Dream Act is a much needed act that I see is desperately needed among my students. If they are contributing to society, wether it be armed forces, general labor or what have you, they have every right as any of us to be labeled citizens. Lets not forget what this country is founded from, where it came from and how it started. The history of the United States supports the Dream Act. Vote Yes on Dream Act.

Immigration is not a new problem....native Americans just to call it WHITE PEOPLE

she's a fukin anti-imigrant..

You Fucking Racist Whore.. Why Name Mexico Only ? If 86% of all Americans in this country are immigrants from England, Germany, italy, and Ireland.. Stupid White Bitch.

shesss so stupid she dont know wat they go thru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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