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Old 10-17-2010, 01:40 PM
Don Don is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 649

Nice try.

Millions of illegal aliens clustered in one state will result in overepresentation in Congress and more electoral votes for that state than would otherwise be the case. This is very similar to the problem of how to count slaves in the old south. Even though slaves were not citizens and could not vote (although freed blacks could vote in many parts of the South and New England), Southerners wanted slaves counted 100% because it would have increased the numbers of congressmen and electoral votes from Southern states. This issue resulted in the three-fifths compromise at the constititutional convention, whereby only 3/5's of the slaves were counted for purposes of congressional representation and electoral votes.

Even as the slave issue corrupted American democracy in the 1700's and early 1800's, the illegal alien presence corrupts American democracy today because it gives states with large illegal alien populations excessive congressmen and electoral votes.

Even as bad money drives out good money (Say's Law), illegal aliens drive out citizens by stealing jobs, driving down wages, dumbing down schools and transforming communities into slums. This reduces the numbers of citizens (i.e. legal voters) as a percentage of the population so that a comparatively small "electorate" can have the same power as a much larger electorate in a district or city with all citizens. Citizens are not immune to corruption, but the skewing of the electorate by large numbers of illegal aliens increase the opportunities for corruption.

Tiny industrial towns like Vernon and Commerce have the same problem, but because they have tiny populations are essentially fifedoms.
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