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Old 02-14-2014, 01:39 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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The Republican party is acting out of ignorance concerning the words "Latino/Hispanic". They have bought into the myth that, despite all the variance and indeed diversity negated by the label, that they are all the same person and will only be mollified by amnesty - just like the brown racist, uninvited, self appointed to speak for everyone else "Latino activists" say.

The majority of American citizens described as "Latino" have priorities concerning jobs and the economy, how they are themselves affected by forces outside their front gate.

Those "Latino" citizens who clamor for amnesty seem to me to either have close relatives who are illegal or are all worked up by perceptions of white racism. And, odd as it may be within this uncertain world, those who would punish "Latinos" the most for expressing anti illegal immigrant sentiments are far left "progressive" whites from the north east and the west coast. Those "Latinos" who publicly express disagreement with unfettered migration from Latin America get plenty of grief as well from brown race hustlers seeking racial and largely hybrid cultural / political hegemony.


Concerning the notion of avoiding the tyranny of the majority, I understand the idea of one house representing the states by their respective populations and the house representing states with an equal number of senators per state.

However, the electoral college system baffles me at this time as to how it actually works. In some cases it may favor large states, others small states, and may have given rise to the concept of swing states - which I believe should never be (every state should be a "swing state" to my way of thinking). I think there may be ways of gerrymandering the the electors, and there may be other electoral manipulations and abuses coming out of the system.

But, at this point I don't know and am not sure...


Could you let us in on just who that email describes?
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Last edited by ilbegone; 02-14-2014 at 01:48 PM.
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