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Old 03-08-2010, 09:10 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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The missing question in all of those is the most important.

Should anyone be allowed to reside permanently in the United States who is not a citizen?

Really if you replace "non-citizen" with "illegal alien" in the above series of questions, they make much more sense. And also remove all specific references to Mexico and Mexicans along with a few other subtle changes:
  • Should American borders be enforced?
  • Is it racist to love your country above all others?
  • Should English be the official language of the U.S.?
  • Should non-citizens have more rights than Border Patrol agents?
  • Should business owners be prosecuted for hiring non-citizens?
  • Should a non-citizen have the right to sue Americans if he is injured while he is committing a crime?
  • Should non-citizens get free medical care?
  • Should babies born to non-citizens be citizens of the United States if they are born on U.S. soil?
  • There are 20 million non-citizens here now. How many is too many? Do you think there should be a limit?
  • Do you believe non-citizens should be able to vote?
  • Do you believe the [two political parties are] purposely allowing non-citizens into this country so they can vote for them?
  • As someone of a particular ethnicity, does that influence how you think about non-citizens of that particular ethnicity? How so?
  • Is there a right way to go about immigration or is getting into the country any way you can fair in your mind?
  • Do our open borders invite terrorists and drug traffickers?
  • Are we committing national suicide in the name of tolerance?
  • Does it bother you that non-citizens with papers take jobs from [US citizens]?
  • Does it bother you that most of the drugs brought into this country comes through our borders [overland]?
  • Does it bother you that foreign military often escorts drug mules into the U.S. and fires on our border guards?
  • Do you believe in sanctuary cities?
  • If non-citizens are caught [breaking the law] should they be deported or given a cash prize?
  • Should the children of non-citizens be allowed to pay in-state tuition for college?
  • Should non-citizens be allowed to get a driver's license?
  • Should we bankrupt our hospitals so we can feel compassionate?
  • Should we bankrupt our schools so we can feel compassionate?
  • Does it bother you that non-citizens often get better medical care for free than you, the taxpayer?
  • Should American tax dollars be used to subsidize the poor of other countries?
  • Should the foreign governments be held accountable for exporting their poverty to the United States?
  • Up to a third of the prisoners in our jails are non-citizens. Should they be jailed in America?
  • Is it possible to admire a non-citizen personally and still want him deported?
  • [Should US citizens be reduced to serfdom?] Should those here illegally be granted [US citizenship]? If so, why?
  • Should people receiving taxpayer-funded benefits have to prove they are a U.S. citizen?
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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