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Old 12-05-2010, 08:52 AM
Don Don is offline
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I enlarged the original article and it referred to repatriations since 1930-31. This 1941 program was merely a continuation of programs going back a decade.

The most amazing thing is the change of attitude since 1941, when our own governments, as far down as the county level, actually believed America belonged to Americans. Not now.

In the 1960's I clerked for a lawyer who went to night law school while working as a welfare fraud investigator for LA County and the stories she told were mind blowing. The policy of LA County in the 60's was to encourage more welfare and the county was very much aware of bus loads of Mexican women who arrived from Tijuana every day to give birth at LA County hospitals to anchor babies, although that term was not used. More welfare cases meant more county welfare workers to administer the programs. This was their attitude even then, although it was not really publicized or made known to the general public. As a teenager, I gave it little thought. I did notice that people who raised the issue were denounced as "racists" blah, blah, blah.

What changed between 1941 and 1960s'?

One thing that changed was that in the 1960's, LA County literally had more money than it knew what to do with and one way to spend it was to increase the welfare bureaucracy by having more people on welfare, even if it was necessary to import welfare cases from Mexico. It's weird to read a 1941 news clip and realize that as recently as 20 years before the 1960's, money actually meant something and that tax revenues came from real people. Where did all this money come from? Were we the victims of our own prosperity which seemed limitless? Maybe.

Other changes were the "civil rights" and "equality" movements, that transformed America's tax paying, working majority from freedom to indentured servitude and relegated it to second class citizenship. The working tax paying American majority lost its right to say "NO" to anyone, whether it be illegal aliens, pornographers, forced integration, or the nationalization of almost all private property through various "civil rights" and "anti-discrimination" laws that stripped people of their rights of freedom of choice and freedom of association.
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