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Old 02-10-2010, 07:47 AM
Don Don is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 649

Who let this human garbage into our country?

Since the 7th century AD, Islam has been at odds with Western Civilization. They came to our country for the education, opportunity and "better life" they've never been able to create for themselves in their own countries. Now they want to drag us to their disgusting level. Deport them all. Ban all immigration from Islamic countries and ban the practice of Islam. It's nothing but a criminal conspiracy against outsiders and always has been.

Muslims and Hindus lived side by side in India for centuries. After they achieved independence from the British after WW2, the first thing they did was have a civil war with more than one million deaths. India was partitioned and the Muslim nation of Pakistan was created and they've been at each others' throats ever since then.

Mulitculturalism and "diversity" are simply prescriptions for mass murder and chaos. Muslims are among the worst. Round 'em up. Ship 'em out. Easier to rid ourselves of them now before they're numerous enough to burn hundreds of cars and take over entire towns like in France today.
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