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Old 02-01-2010, 05:15 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Two comments to address concerns:

#1. Any state that has approved it's law enforcement enforcing Federal Law CAN absolutely enforce Federal Laws. But here's the catch:

a. When they take the illegals in/incarcerate, they have to house and feed them. ICE will refuse to take them or turn them loose in most cases.

b. When the Towns enforce Federal Laws the ACLU, Puerto Rican Defense league, MALDEF and half the immigration lawyers jump in and provide pro-bono to these illegals costing the Towns millions in fees.

c. Liberal, progressive judges will turn the illegals loose and punish the Town.

d. Many local police/Sheriffs want no part of enforcing Federal Laws. They whine about overworked, not my job, need more money,etc.

e. Half of the legal "system" is rotten and corrupt.

#2. Illegal aliens that come in at other than border crossing points are absolutely criminals.

a. It is a felony to cross without clearing customs. It is a misdemeanor to come in without checking in with immigration.

b. Recently DHS issued a report stating that 1/3 of illegal border crosser's have committed crimes before coming.

c. The list of criminal actions that illegals commit is as long as your arm:

* Packing across marijuana, heroin, cocaine.
* Rape in the field and statutory rape in towns.
* Trespass
* Property destruction
* Littering private land as well as Federal Parks.
* Killing livestock and wild game
* Arson
* Human trafficking
* Kidnapping
* Pedophilia
* Larceny/shoplifting/ robbery
* Document fraud
* Income tax evasion
* Vehicular homicide/ murder
* DMV violations, no license, inspection, insurance
* Fire code violations
* Zoning code violations
* Public drunkenness
* Indecent exposure
* Money laundering/ illegal money transfer

Last edited by wetibbe; 02-01-2010 at 05:22 AM.
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