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Old 08-21-2011, 10:40 AM
Don Don is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 649

I have a friend who is rehabing a duplex in the Palm Springs area and I hvae spent some time out there with my friend. This duplex was purchased from a foreclosing bank and was almost destroyed inside by the Mexican families who occupied it. It basically had to be re-built.

All of the building tradesmen in that area are Mexicans, many who can barely speak English. You can't find anything else in that area except people who are not even legally in the country. A (Hispanic) real estate agent was looking over the place and one of the Mexican workers asked him how to buy a house, when the Mexican worker didn't have a valid Social Security number...but did have more than $50 thousand in cash? He also was driving a new pick up truck. [How many Americans do you know with $50 grand in cash and a new car?] The agent said no problem that he could find private lenders who would help this illegal buy a house. So called "American" (Hispanic) professionals in the real estate and other professions are willing accomplices to ID theft and tax fraud. They not only steal our jobs, but get all kinds of public, tax funded benefits that we have to pay for, even as they use multiple Social Security numbers to spread around their income and avoid taxes.

There you have it. Teeming hordes of illegal aliens come here and prosper by committing ID theft and tax evasion while they steal jobs from Americans who play by the rules. I noticed that all these "poor" Mexican laborers had relatively new pick up trucks and lots of cash.

Americans are being ethnically cleansed from their own country by a huge criminal class made of of people of a certain ethnicity who network together and help each other commit crimes against all the rest of us.

Last edited by Don; 08-21-2011 at 10:42 AM.
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