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Old 01-06-2010, 10:39 AM
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JB_Parrothead JB_Parrothead is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mexifornia
Posts: 48

There is a REAL war of terrorism that directly threatens the lives of American citizens everyday right along that southern border and the way the Feds are handling this issue is despicable! OUR TROOPS ARE NEEDED HERE, if they are truly in the business of protecting Americans and OUR freedoms, then they need to be placed along that border! Mexico is a direct and immediate danger to the USA!

Where are the CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS against the U.S. government for not doing their job in securing that border and protecting the lives and properties of American citizens against invasion from a foreign country? Is EVERYONE who lives and owns property along that border really that brain dead, lazy or AFRAID to press this issue against the Feds? It seems if whole towns would start filing suits it would send a clear and loud message to the Feds that MORE needs to be done against Mexico for not keeping THEIR citizens in check and their citizens's actions in check that can't be construed as anything less that acts of war against this country and the citizens of the USA!
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