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Old 04-08-2011, 01:05 PM
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And one more from the San Bernardino County Sun:

School choice
Posted: 03/29/2011 07:38:40 PM PDT

I was pleased to read the story about two community groups demanding better results from their public schools ("`Investment in our youth,"' March 16).

As the article implied, getting more out of the existing system is unlikely. The government has a near monopoly on the factories of education while the teachers union has a monopoly on educational labor, and we taxpayers and parents have the results of that monopoly - increased costs and decreased service.

I was able to put my children through private schools, which means I had to pay for their education twice.

Everyone should have the option of private school, and a voucher system would give it to them. The state of California spends about $8,000 per child per year. Keep taxes as they are, give that money to the parents in the form of vouchers good at any public or private school, and see what free choice and competition can do!

I chose a school with a good record for producing graduates who go to college and do well in college.

Some schools might have a different target outcome, but parents who know their children would be in a position to choose, and schools that want to stay in business would have a reason to produce good results.

Dropout rates in the double digits are evidence of educational malpractice, and the good people of San Bernardino have finally declared they will not suffer silently.

This opinion piece by David Remple does not indicate affiliation or agreement with any organization or cause.

And please hit the link to the paper for respect to the publisher and editors of the Sun, I believe the online version, free to view, is entirely financed by adds - which advertisement becomes more valuable by hits on the site.
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