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Old 03-21-2010, 06:20 AM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Ma
Posts: 451

Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
Exactly. Preferably witnesses with video, and a load of cash for bail and legal representation as well as retaining a quality attorney before the fact.

I believe that your friend might have had an unreasonable bail and might still be in jail if the referenced 2007 contact had been in Southern California.

Some police reports are masterpieces of creative fiction, and the county DAs see their existence not in seeing justice served, but measure themselves in convictions won and sentences served - regardless of merit. The DA of my county of residence files on 100% of police reports forwarded to his office and has something like a 98% 0r 99% conviction rate.

A lot of it he gets with plea bargains, sufficiently disrupting someone's life who doesn't have money for quality representation. The plea offer is taken in order to "make it go away" or because any other recourse is seen as hopeless.

Our local DA would have gotten writer's cramp from all the charges he would have filed on just the allegations springing forth from the article, and God knows what sort of scurrilous verbiage the officer could have placed in the report without any witnesses to counter in court.

If they are harassing him, for whatever reason they're not playing hardball.
He got a small fine for the 2007 incident.
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