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Old 11-07-2012, 09:50 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Terrible election for Republicans in California. We are now a one party rule state. The press is reporting that hasn't happened since 1933, which was after the depression started, and before it ended...which to a world war I might add.

The democrats were everywhere, all night barrages at our house phone, and the polling place was awash in moms with kids in tow. took me an hour to vote because of this. 55 minutes in the line, 3 minutes to vote, and 2 minutes to feed it into that scanner. Bottom line is, in California, Republican = demon, and Democrat = Angel. Kinda ironic since so many liberal dems seem to reject the notion of christianity, but that's the way it is. Republicans have been economically starved, villainized, and cast as the ogres that live under bridges, steal children and extort tolls from crossers.

Unfortunately, the democrats have surrendered their future to a silent, creeping beast that will not stop sucking the life blood out of every resident in this state, and every one they can lure here with the same tactics they've used on the ones that have already made it here. Everyone is to be fleeced now, and although their cherished immigrant class has been spared the real flavor of that for the last decade, that is about to come to an end. When the money either flees or is extracted from this state, this dictatorial one-party-rule heirachy will have no choice but to turn on what's left. It is justice I guess, in a manner of speaking, but even those who worked to its' control are to be punished too, and possibly even more as retribution.

For all of you democratswho hate Republicans, for whatever reason, you are about to see how the republican party lost its' character to despots and extremists. Whatever you long term democrats held dear about your party are about to disappear. You will see....very soon. For those of you who are rejoicing at the good fortune of having been delivered from the jaws of a pack of snarling republican wolves, you have been rescued by a very hungry bear.
You'll start to see them eating each other after they've devoured the low hung vegetation; just wait until the facts about Benghazi start to come out. But then, Obama has hidden so much, whats a little more to hide.

California will see an exodis of all those that don't want to feel like nutrition for the hungry mass of leftists.
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