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Old 10-18-2011, 04:14 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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I wouldn't trust the media as far as I could see *( or throw ) them. And I surely do not trust the polls. Who are these respondents ? Herman Cain has NO legislative experience; never held any public office, he knows virtually ZIP about foreign affairs; he has to be one of the LEAST qualified in the pack. Running the USA isn't quite the same as selling pizza pies. In fact I don't think his company was even a fortune 100 or 500. Godfather Pizza annual sales in Cains last year as CEO reached $287 million. Godfathers Pizza is a fast food chain that sells pasta and has a salad bar. It isn't even a full fledged restaurant of class.

His 9,9,9 tax plan has so many holes and so much adversity that I simply do not believe, or trust, him. This is no time to go off onto some theoretical/hypothetical adventure that can ruin the middle and lower classes. We saw what NAFTA,Free Trade did and what Obama care will do. We saw what Fannie May and Freddie Mack did to the housing industry. And we are seeing what Obama care will do to us.

His border security plan is comprised of: 1. Building a 20 foot high fence, electrifying it and 2. Shooting border crossers. But he calls it a joke. So what is his border plan - a joke ? We don't actually know what he will do or where he stands. Thus can we deduce that a border protection plan is nothing more than a joke ?

If he border plan is a joke than it seems that we can assume that his 9,9,9 tax plan is also a joke.

I have to agree with Britt Hume. Cain is a flash in the pan that will crash and burn as time goes on.

Last edited by wetibbe; 10-18-2011 at 04:24 AM.
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