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Old 03-31-2010, 03:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Please don't take this the wrong way, but....

Any one of us could end up in the vicinity of a competency hearing like this. How about Roy Warden the notorius mexican flag burner? I don't have any love for Nativo, but I do have an enormous disdain for misuse of the courts. I think we should look into this a little before we pronounce it a worthy judgement, lest they use it against all of us in the future having already tested and proven it on our opponents
Lopez is indeed an irrational, racist nut, as well as his followers:

He is being held with the most dangerous prisoners and was forced to get naked and watched and video taped by three female guards.
He's probably in general population, but nearly everyone rubs shoulder with "the most dangerous prisoners" at one point or another during the thoroughly unpleasant experience. There will always be some who have a proclivity towards irrational violence in jail, and they can hardly be avoided.

There are women guards who do enjoy watching men take showers in which is essentially forced "public nudity". Want to be clean? you have to get naked, and it's highly likely an "equal opportunity" enabled guard will be watching.

The video taping might have happened, or maybe not. We're talking about a group who's guru spent a lifetime defaming anyone who interfered with brown racist agenda, until it finally caught up with him in the form of a company who wasn't afraid to sue him for his contrived allegations.

And yes, Warden is a nutball as well, but his obsessive flag burning doesn't even approach the level of collective incoherent race baiting and damage infliction Lopez and company have gotten away with for decades - and Warden's portrayal of Emiliano Zapata actually makes sense.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-31-2010 at 04:11 AM.
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