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Old 03-07-2010, 02:46 PM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
Holder is African? Emmanuel is Israeli? Where is this coming from? Or are you just speaking metaphorically?
I swear you're beginning to sound like Chelena Nightingale
I was speaking metaphorically. The first line of my post referred to "People whose loyalty is elsewhere," not people who were born elsewhere.

Holder stated that hate crimes laws do not protect white people at all. In his view hate crimes laws only protect Historically Oppressed Races ("HORS"), which means people who have the same skin color as him. I don't know where Holder was actually born, but clearly his higher loyalty is to members of his own nationality, not all Americans.

Emmanuel served as an officer in the Israeli military. Under the Israeli laws of dual citizenship he may or may not qualify for Israeli citizenship, but that's not the issue. The issue is loyalty.

None of the people I named are loyal to rank and file Americans. In their eyes we are no more than sheep to be sheered. Look at the big controversy over the GOP primary for a candidate to challenge Boxer for US Senate. The big controversy is over whether Tom Campbell is sufficiently loyal to Israel. No body ever asks about his loyalty to the American people he is supposed to represent. Campbell is accused of anti-semitism because in congress he voted to reduce US aid to Israel by $30 million. He said he opposed it because increasing aid to Israel would have reduced aid to Africa. There you have it. Jewish millionaires and African potentates are represented in Congress. Poor dumb tax paying American sheep are not.

What about the poor rank and file American tax payers from whom $30 MILLION was extracted? That question is never asked. Working, tax paying Americans are hanging on by their fingernails and the only thing any of our exalted rulers care about is foreign aid for Israeli millionaires, African potentates or Haiti or Mexican peasants who need our welfare!

John McCain thinks illegal aliens are "God's children." Geo. Bush went to Latin America and promised to make it easier for them to come here and steal our jobs, destroy our schools and bankrupt our hospitals. Lindsay Graham wants Amnesty. And these are the GOP! No one in our government at any level is loyal to the American People, regardless of where born.

More and more rank and file Americans are beginning to realize this and that is part of the basis of the tea party movement. Their double talking bu.l.l.s***t is not going to be accepted much longer.

Last edited by Don; 03-07-2010 at 03:01 PM.
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