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Old 12-16-2009, 10:40 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by Kathy63 View Post
Should researchers in research departments get raises provided for by increased federal funding? Is the answer to deny researchers a pay raise because it would make students "feel bad" as their tuition was hiked due to a lack of state funds?

Does one have anything, at all, to do with the other?
The purpose of universities is to teach, not to conduct research. The only reason that universities conduct research is that they have a ready supply of intellectual workers in the students aspiring to PhD's and part of the necessary qualifications for a PhD is to be able to discourse on the frontiers of whatever the student is aspiring to master.

Research is the natural domain of private corporations. If research departments get funding it will be under the pretext, at least, of advancing the cause of educating people in whatever field is being funded. Sometimes private corporations offer grants to students and this makes them less vulnerable to tuition increases.

But of course the students that are the most likely to suffer from tuition increases (if any) are the least likely to be that far in their education.

One certainly has something to do with the other, but as it happens, has nothing to do with the people rioting and attacking the chancellor.
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