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Old 11-12-2009, 09:05 PM is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: SoCal
Posts: 1,003

Pocho, I cannot disagree with you more. I know this is what got me in poor favor at the old place but Shepard Smith is the ONLY one I will watch on Fox.

Silence you old hag!! How dayr you!! There iz many grate communtaturz on FOX but a libral marter like you kums here to stur the pot and deny that!! Is these the lies you hurd in the other bored?? You should ...

Oops, sorry. Wrong website. Never mind ...

Originally Posted by PochoPatriot View Post
The forces of fascism are hard at work silencing those that merely disagree with them. I see more and more the rightness of Dennis Prager when he stated that the left will bring fascism to America.
Without a doubt. The real attacks upon free speech in the latter half of the twentieth century, and more recently, have come from the left. The rise of "hate speech" legislation and the onlaught of political correctness are only the two most prominent examples.

George Orwell's Thought Police are closer to reality now than at any other time in my life.

Not only that, we're now seeing it play itself out in market forces. It's a simple forumula. "Whites" can be offended whereas Latinos and blacks can't. Why? Simple, economics. White consumers are largely established and spoken for. Their numbers and participation in the categories of wealthy, well-off or middle class are pretty much established and their purchasing habits are predictable. The domestic market for emerging buyers, though, is African-Americans and Hispanics. This is where the growing market share is in terms of increase in population and improvement in financial earning power. Consequently, Lou Dobbs and Rush Limbaugh can be tossed aside by CNN and the NFL, and no one will sweat it that much. And the fact that Janet Murguia and Al Sharpton (people disproportionately viewed as racists by white folks) appeared in the debate, matters little. Larry King will still attract his faithful viewers and the Packers and Cowboys can still sell caps, shirts and other merchandise. What these entities won't gamble, however, is losing the growing share of people of color.
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