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Old 12-04-2014, 03:55 AM
wetibbe wetibbe is offline
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Default My Take:

First off I NEVER call politicians. I write snail mail on my letterhead and mail it to them. You would be surprised at how many actually reply. Probably 90% return letters.

Calling is to some aide that probably never transmits it. Letters are potent and usually laid on the intendeds desk.

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Calling for John Boehner's removal may be a - feel good - but it is innocuous and it "just ain't going to happen".

However, I will say as a VERY old timer, that I am disappointed in the Republican party. The RNC is bugging me constantly to shell out but I haven't. I may be a registered Republican but I am certainly NOT supportive any more.
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I have tracked Boehner's many positions and I am skeptical of the news media who have proven to be untrustworthy, undependable charlatans.

I would like to say that politicians now a days are not like the old days but it would be a misleading deception. Many Politicians were, back then, and now, political whores. Nothing has changed.
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We are certainly in the grips of a dilemma alright. The pro's and antis are locked in a death struggle like I have never seen before. I do believe that the citizens are undergoing a slow but steady transition of liberalism, tolerance and stupidity with emphasis on STUPIDITY. As we whites *( Make that Caucasians ) are more and more watered down and diluted with browns, blacks and off shore immigrants, eventually we will become the minority at the mercy of those same. This transition will occur over many decades and will most likely prevail after mid century and by 2100. Long after I am gone.

Those progressions will eventually overwhelm everything to the point that the situation is no longer sustainable. Natural resources will be exhausted, floras and fauna will become insufficient and the whole planet earth will be completely devastated to the point that it will no longer be livable. I saw this already in Ethiopia 20 years ago where the natives were dying en-mass from starvation.
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The concerns here expressed, by posters, are certainly justified. But look before you leap. As Reagan said: Trust but verify.
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