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Old 10-19-2013, 06:33 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I simply cannot understand why 'we the people' are not doing more. I realize that those of us who have been fighting for so long, such as AG and my self, are tired and have grown older. It is time for the younger citizens to take the reins from us.
We have to reach the middle class who are struggling but not yet distressed enough to definitively put their collective feet down.

On the other hand, since the late 60's and certainly revved up since the early 80's is the far left indoctrination presented in public schools as "education". We have to get past that impediment, as well as all the middle class college graduates who have been successfully propagandized and are politically active.

In general there is an age division concerning amnesty. Older will tend to be against, and younger will tend to be for.

Most who are receiving social services or are employed in some fashion catering to immigration are in the far left pocket - blindly or not, a DHS employee who processes naturalization documents is not going to be against amnesty, nor is anyone receiving social services going to vote Republican.

Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I am still here but not on the streets. Scoff at Dems but all are not as they are protrayed. That notion is like the spin you see in the papers and on TV.
Politically speaking, there are gradients from the insane far left to the insane far right. I believe that the hard far left is no more than 20% of the population, but they tend to control education and the media. I further believe that the insane far right is even less of the population and is largely impotent by being marginalized for the conspiracy theory kooks they are and the middle right right of center is slandered and spun into blood sucking racists by the media and educational process.

I believe that in different times and different places certain labels have different meanings.

"Liberal" and "Conservative" would mean something different in 19th century America than they do in the 21st century, and certainly the 21st century Republican and Democrat parties are different from the times of presidents Jackson, Lincoln and both Roosevelts.

To be conservative or liberal in 19th century Mexico (and probably any other time) is not what we would assume by our late 20th - early 21st century American understandings.

As well, nutball, far left "Progressivism" has usurped the label of "Liberal", which is further attached to the Democrat Party.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 10-19-2013 at 06:59 AM.
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