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Old 09-19-2010, 07:25 AM is offline
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Originally Posted by Ayatollahgondola View Post
There's a big difference between an actual conservative and one that latches on to the conservative handle in a boisterous manner that attempts to bolster the image of one. Chelene is the latter. Practicing conservatives do more than dramatize the obvious. They live them. I've rambled on before as to the lack of Chelene's credentials on conservative causes, but there's little to no evidence that she was a 2nd amendment proponent, a defender of state's rights, a fiscal tightwad, or proponent of smaller government prior to her coming to SOS. None! In fact, since she arrived, she has hypocritically asked the feds for protection from her state creditors, which places her at odds with her 10th amendment stance. No fiscal tightwad would jump into the governors race with their own personal finances in total chaos, and with such surreal expectations of winning.

I really detest being placed in the position of having to defend Chelene Nightingale but your comments are unfair.

There is much to berate Mommy Dearest about. Lack of conservative convictions is not among them, however.

Firstly, there's nothing hypocritical about her filing bankruptcy. Chelene has represented herself as a "Constitutionalist" and bankruptcy is provided for in Title 1 Section 8.

Secondly, the fact that she can't raise or manage money doesn't mean that she fails to advocate for fiscal restraint. Hell, I support the idea that missed shots from the perimeter should be rebounded and put back in by post players in the paint, but I can't slam dunk a basketball to save my life.

Finally, and most significantly, Nightingale has staked out conservative positions and not wavered from them; at least since any people involved with SOS have known her. Prayer in school, lower taxes, etc. etc. Chelene is in lock-step with the GOP platform.

There's been a good deal of speculation that Chelene would abandon her espoused immigration or gun rights views in a city second if she thought it would draw her more attention or gain her more votes. The reality, however, is that that hasn't happened. She hasn't pulled a McCain or Whitman. She has consistently campaigned with the same messages.

Conspiracy theory marinated screwball? Yes. Shamelessly self-centered? Absolutely. Unreliable friend or associate? An understatement. Inconsistent or flip-flopping conservative. No. That's what the record shows.
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