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Old 09-15-2011, 09:45 PM
Don Don is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I'd say somewhere between 1940 and 1960.

However, it's a current sentiment among some. There wasn't an internet when that picture was taken, but it's up now with a suggestion of how things should be, and could be if there weren't prosecutions for such now - and it's on THE WHITEST WEBSITE ON EARTH.

I rather thought that such a thing would be up your social alley, right along with the freedom to not associate, there's even a phone number you can call to get in on all the white only fun that can be had.

And I say go for it. Any business, organization or neighborhood which isn't 100% white, boycott it - including any source of income you may enjoy.

You may be living by yourself in a cave while dining on guano, but maybe you would be happy.

Tens of millions of white people feel the same way I do about the savages who have taken over American cities and now form "flash mobs" to rob and attack the few white people who don't have the income or the good sense to get the Hell out. For decades, these tens of millions of whites have fled the inner cities to white suburbs and white schools where they could be found. This is called "White Flight." Maybe you heard of it.

Neutered by "political correctness" and minority "civil rights" vigilantes, most contemporary Whites are forced keep their true feelings to themselves to avoid being fired from their jobs or otherwise persecuted by the authorities for being "racis." For for more than half a century, however, millions of neutered whites have voted with their feet and fled as far away from minority infested slums as their incomes and the freeways would take them.

Minorities and their "fellow travelers" like you always defend minority thugs by making some bogus moral equivalency argument such as ... "whites once lynched blacks so it is now OK for black flash mobs to attack white people."

I can only hope that you will some day have the good fortune to be hunted down and beaten by one of those black flash mobs you have defended so passionately. When they're beating, stomping and kicking you to a pulp, you can tell them that you always defended them and insulted white people when you had the chance.

I'm sure they will have as much respect for your statements as I do.
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