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Old 11-07-2012, 11:46 PM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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Rimo you proved my point perfectly. I was discussing an issue and explained why I agreed with it and you lowered the discussion to name calling. That is what the left does!!! That is why it is useless to bother talking to them and why Romney said what he did. They name call, destroy property and cry they’re victims. If you can’t have a conversation without nasty name calling, you’d be better off at the web site where they handle things that way. I may not be as far right as some, but I’m certainly not a leftist that throws a fit and calls others nasty name tags. Shame on you.

You are posting to someone with many years of experience about the GOP. I don't need to be told where I would be better off, that is for me to decide. Romney said what he did because he is an arrogant and very wealthy Republician. He has said some of the most dumb things, I will not even post them because apparently you approve of them.
You do need to remember some of the name calling and out right lies put out by his campaign. He is responsible for them.
The only one who looked presidential in the GOP primary was Jon Huntsman.
Just for your information, I consider my self to be a Moderate, no Left or Right bs. I have no shame either.
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