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Old 11-08-2010, 08:05 PM
PochoPatriot PochoPatriot is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 336

Well, Don, no one is calling you names as much as they are calling a spade a spade. You brought it on yourself. You think that everyone not like you is somehow beneath you, and that is wrong. No one is better because of the country they were fortunate enough to be born in. No one is less a person because of the color of their skin. No one is a cockroach because they are not European. However, we understand why you are the way you are. What you fail to understand is that with every keystroke you paint yourself into the bigot corner. However, you will not accept responsibility for that, and in this aspect you are just like the people you call cockroaches. You epitomize the blame others first mentality that you detest in others. This is how most bullies work. How sad for you.

Further, I have been out on the front lines, everyone here knows what I have done for this movement. What have you done? What events have you attended? Where are your scars? As far as most people here are concerned you are just another personal computer "patriot" who doesn't have the courage to get out and stand for what he says he believes in. It all comes down to works, Don. The half-brother of Yeshua, Jacob, said "You have faith and I have deeds. Show me your faith apart from your deeds, and I will show you my faith by my deeds." In other words, talk is cheap, man. I want to see some thing that you have done. What do you have, Don? Put up or shut up. Simple as that.

As far as me leaving California goes, I am going to leave for my home state of New Mexico hardly a state with a large European population.
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