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Old 09-28-2010, 07:02 PM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Don View Post
IS this the same Colin Powell who said Iraq was a threat to our national security?

IN the 10 years that we bombed Iraq, it could not shoot down a single one of our planes. Iraq had no strategic air power and its tactical air power consisted of obsolete jet fighters. It's armor was obsolete.

In the 1980's, Iraq fought Iran and could not achieve victory. That war ended in stalemate.

It was obvious to anyone with any sense of history and even the most rudimentary knowledge of geo-politics that Iraq was never a threat to us.

Powell is a traitor who knowingly lied to obtain support for an unnecessary war.
Powell is a loyal soldier who learned first hand the lessons of Vietnam and was an architect of the first gulf war, which kicked the living shit out of Saddam's army and achieved the goal throwing Saddam out of Kuwait.

George Sr. was wiser than to invade Iraq, as was reflected by Powell's comment to George Jr that if he broke it (Iraq), King George would own it.

Powell was duped by George Jr's political machine as to the true nature of Iraq's threat to the US. Powell's credibility was shamelessly used as if he were a dispensable, kick to the curb cheap whore.

Powell's credentials as a faithful warrior is an apple to the orange issue of whether or not he has hired illegal aliens in violation of the law which would, if immigration laws were actually enforced, be determined in a court of law in front of a jury of his peers.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 09-28-2010 at 07:06 PM.
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