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Old 11-29-2009, 11:09 AM
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Jeanfromfillmore Jeanfromfillmore is offline
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Originally Posted by ilbegone View Post
I was told that if one fills out the elementery school enrollment form and checks a box indicating that the head of household didn't have a social security number, everything at school was automatically carte blanc free from meals to tutoring.

I'll have to carefully ask again.

What is the Boag fee waiver?

I had a conversation a couple of days ago with a recent graduate of the UC San Bernardino. I tried to be objective and not ask leading questions.

What I got out of it was that admissions and courses had been dumbed down in order meet the numbers required for "diversity", and that most students shop easy classes and educators who let students slide. My impression is that it is about the same thing could be accomplished with an 8 hour dog and pony "certification" show, an "I now pronounce thee qualified" degree.

I also asked about how some professor's didn't seem to be around enough to actually teach anything, and he told me there was someting like six or eight different classifications of professors, something roughly akin to full time to part time specialists. This might account how some are on the University payroll with department titles, but are always off somewhere else on some "activist" crusade or cranking out high priced agenda laden books.
A Boag (I hope I spelled it correctly) is a waver from the state of California that is like a grant and is available on all junior colleges. All your classes are free and there's often a reduction on other things like parking which is also sometimes free. The California taxpayer pays for just about everything with a Boag fee waver. For a full or part time student the cost is usually less than $30 dollars for the semester. That's it. And the illegals fill these forms out first thing.
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