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Old 03-01-2013, 06:25 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
As I read the forum , I just have to laugh. Don't all of you realize how many deserve to burn in hell after they are dead? Don't you realize that most of them are Bastards? There are so many, if I start to name some, I will just start you with two, Lindsey Graham and John McCain. ROFL.
Seems to me that most people just read Fox News Dribble. Now that brings to mind Sean Hannity. I do try to listen/watch a varity of liars.
Fox news is just as much a distributor of propaganda as MSNBC and CNN are in the other direction. I don't care to watch any of them, including local "news" which is generally a load of distorted crap and vapid entertainment masquerading as journalism. I haven't perused any of it since the election was over.

I believe that a lot of politicians start out sincere and idealistic, but become corrupted by the system. The majority of them are evil in my book, and they all have their price.

What we have left is to hold the nose and attempt to choose the least of evils, it is very much a dilemma.

I estimate Obama to be the most dangerous man to our country to ever be elected president. How he got elected the first time around is similar to how Schartzenegger became governor of California - a repudiation of his predecessor and public disgust with politics in general.

How did Obama get re-elected? The answer is in a founding father quote to the effect that when the people discover they can vote themselves money, the nation is doomed. Obama was largely re-elected for freebies.

Laugh all you want, but Obama is a far more dangerous lame duck bastard to us than are bastards McCain and Graham.
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Last edited by ilbegone; 03-01-2013 at 06:31 AM.
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