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Old 12-26-2009, 08:19 AM
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ilbegone ilbegone is offline
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Default The myth of modern white racism

Interesting column by Larry Meeks

Dear Larry: I do not understand why most of black America does not support Barack Obama for president. I have read that Hillary Clinton has more support from black America than Obama.

After listening to black America complain about not being part of the real power structure for the last 40 years, one would think this is an opportunity to get a black in the White House.

I think blacks would flock to his support. Their lack of support is very confusing to me.

I would appreciate any insight. — Jason

Dear Jason: Before the death of Dr. Martin Luther King, I believe most of black America was united in its support of one another for the good of all African Americans. Since his death, a number of self-appointed black leaders have risen. They have made a fortune playing the race card with civil unrest and extorting white Americans.

These leaders keep their jobs by convincing their followers that things are hopeless without their leadership. These leaders keep putting forth the myth that the door to opportunity is closed because white America is racist. They excuse any black failure by saying white America is racist. The myth continues because all the leaders speak the same message — white America is racist.

White America is complicit in this myth, because they are too timid to challenge the big lie. Any unbiased look at the social change will reveal the door to opportunity is wide open.

If a black man like Barack Obama is elected president, it will be a severe blow to the black myth and the self-appointed black leadership. It will be very difficult for black leaders to make demands to a black who does not participate in their rhetoric.

I believe black leaders know Hillary Clinton will continue to support their leadership as they continue the myth and deliver the black vote. All of this equals money in their pocket while the masses languish.
the same can be said for all those "Latino Advocates".

Politically, however, it's all about the fictional "Latino community".
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Last edited by ilbegone; 12-26-2009 at 08:23 AM.
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