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Old 01-24-2012, 10:28 PM
Rim05 Rim05 is offline
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DA, we fell into a pot of boiling water in 2008.....before the election. I don't think any of us realized just hot the water was. I knew it was hot but not boiling.
I will never forget when the politicians returned to DC to try and figure out what to do. The scene of Henry Paulson on his knee begging Pelosi to do something.

AG, sorry about the illness, hope you are better and at it again soon.
It is like we have given up everything.
I do believe most people hate Obama so much that they would rather our country completely fail than work with him. We are a domocracy and not ruled by one person. I wonder just where we would be if McCain had won the election. I doubt the only difference would be that the GOP would all be behind him.
I cannot remember a single President that I was completely satisfied with. Just in case we forget, a President signs bills, he/she cannot paass the bill.

I look at the field of wantabees in the Primary and want to cry. I felt the same way about CA Governor, there was no one worth while to vote for and just look what we have. It gets worse with each election.
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