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Old 01-24-2012, 07:35 PM
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Ayatollahgondola Ayatollahgondola is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post
Just an observation. This site seems to be into the doldrums. Many days pass with no participation. Maybe people are just saturated. Maybe the current political palaver that dominates the airwaves has preempted personal involvement, street demos and other actions. Who knows. AG said activity is down on many sites..
Originally Posted by Rim05 View Post
I have been against Illegal Invaders ever since we were invaded by the boat people.
I am sorry to see some people suffer because of their governments, however, we are now in the same boat with them. They are not coming to the land of milk and honey any more.
This is not a Dem or Rep problem but poor or bad politicians.

I am tired of hearing about conservative, liberal, evangelical, left and right. Why can't we look at what is best for our country and 'our' people.

There are a lot of people who demonize Obama but the GOP blocks any thing he tries to do. He is not given credit for anything. This is not a plug for Obama but just the naked truth.

I often wonder what happened to all those I was on the streets with a few years ago.
I have not changed but I cannot do as much as I once did.

Yes, we barely have anyone post any more. I don't because I am trying to do all my own work so I do not have to even try to find anyone who is legal.
I am tiread of trying to talk to someone I can not under stand English.

Sorry to say, but the 2012 election is tearing us apart, and still 10 months to go.
We've been short on funds, and I've been sick for a couple weeks. Before that we did not want to do anything that might detract from Donnelly's initiative. I'm getting better, and I did get one small job which will bring in a little income, and as always, I use a little bit of it to do some events. We will pick up again. And as WeTibbe said, many sites are down in participation. One gun forum has been quiet as hell after AB144 took effect. Several others are slower also. It's not unusual that people would gravitate to, or patronize forums like the "watch" one mentioned. Those don't require activism, or put one at risk. What we do here is for the special breed.
There aren't as many of us that will lead the pack, or just stick with it when the popularity wanes. I've mentioned this before, but as a non-profit public benefit corp, we are similar to a church, and our agenda is our creed. We don't alter our agenda because the interest wanes anymore than the catholic church, the jewish faith, or the budhist's would.
It'll pick up again, maybe when the weather gets better, but for sure when something sparks that creative urge and hits a note with our wayward flock
Have some faith.
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