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Old 11-24-2009, 08:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Jeanfromfillmore View Post
Sadly it is also being taught in our schools here. That's what MEChA teaches, and our tax dollars pay for it.
This is the main problem.

I have thought over the last few days about what it means to be American, and that our evolving culture with regional expression which, 'till the assault over the last forty years or so, has a central theme, idea, or precept to it. The idea is something like, while imperfect as all things human, moving from an ancestral newcomer who cannot pretend to be anything else than what he has been all his life to his grandchildren being melded with everyone else into "us".

However, kids with Mexican ancestry in America are told by Mexicans that they aren't Mexican, not by any means. White Americans and Brown Aztlanistas insist on calling them Mexican. Then they are indoctrinated into erroneously believing themselves to be Mexican, separate from the rest of America, by the school system. Additionally, many of them hear on a daily basis that the "white man" is out to get them.

As well, Brown separatists have been financed in their "education" by the white man since the 1960's, otherwise all those racist "Latino" professors would now be changing tires or mowing lawns while talking to themselves rather than infecting college kids with politically correct racist apartheid disguised as "diversity" and "my culture". Funding "educational" racism needs to end, yesterday.

While everyone is different, Mexicans come here being what they are, and generally conduct themselves within the context of how they might survive and prosper within the background of their home culture. Figuratively, don't leave anything laying on the ground you can pick up and use.

While it is my conviction everyone who has ever illegally entered this country of his own free will as an adult needs to be deported, I believe the real villains by virtue of exploitation to whatever end are American employers, American politicians, and so called American "educators".

All need to be taken to task (as in figuratively "beaten profusely about the head and shoulders"), and the education system needs to be taken apart and rebuilt to circumvent "educator's" political and racial beliefs and biases which are foisted on the kids. The present system seems to me to be based on much propaganda and little education.

No more propaganda. Teach kids what they need to know.
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