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Old 09-09-2010, 08:59 AM
Twoller Twoller is offline
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Originally Posted by wetibbe View Post

Rhodesia *( Zimbabwe ) and South Africa are examples of what to expect vis-a-vis black/brown on white. Some of them have already said it !
No, that's ridiculous. In Zimbabwe and South Africa and the rest of Africa too, even the Muslim colonized territories, Africans are the natives and have always outnumbered the colonists. Always. The historic, cultural, economic and political momentum has always been and will forever be in their hands. Their relatively recent struggles with colonizers and their real imperialist sponsors (with the exception of the Dutch South Africans) are of no long term consequence, but only if they can seize the initiative outside of colonial influence.

Illegal immigrants, no matter how they dominate demographically in the United States will ever have any kind of real meaning here, except as they are licensed to have by power holders. They have no cultural roots here and are not really interested in establishing any. The best they can manage or neighborhood facades and cultural adornments. The best representative of who they are will always be where they came from, not where they are at. And to the extent that legal immigrants share their cultures, they will exist here the same way.

At the roots of the United States of America is resistance against colonization. We were born from it and we will shake it off again if we have to. Floods of people dumped here will not be enough to restrain us or dampen our resolve or confound a solution.
The United States of America is for citizens only! Everyone else OUT.
Criminalize asking party affilation for voter registration! End the "two party system"!
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